A Comparative Study of the Factors and Kinds of Happiness in the Holy Quran and Old and New Testament

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University

2 Master of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University


Happiness and rejoice are among humans’ mental and spiritual needs that play a role in various aspects of their lives. Meanwhile, many believers have occasionally been obsessed with the idea of the compatibility of both the form and content of rejoicing with the spirit of religion and human nature, and they have wondered about which kinds of the issue in question to be approved by the religious canon.
A glance at divine faiths reveals the fact that they have paid due attention to both corporal and spiritual needs of mankind, and quite a few verses in the Quran and Old and New Testament prove the significance of the issue. The present article intends to survey the factors and kinds of happiness in the Holy Quran and Old and New Testament. It is concluded that true happiness can be achieved only through piety and religiousness.
According to divine instructions, piety is the cause of happiness, and the Holy Quran specifically shows a comprehensive attitude towards the issue by taking all human dimensions into consideration and by relying on man’s natural needs that can lead him to blessing and salvation here in this world and in afterlife.


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