Document Type : Research Article
1 PhD student, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Research Sciences Branch
2 PhD student of Qom Faculty of Hadith Sciences
Abu al-Abbas Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Sa'id ibn Aqda is one of the prominent and famous Shiite scholars whose life history is still in a state of ambiguity. The year of his birth and death, the place of his birth and religion are not known exactly, so far none of the rijals of his class have specified him, from the numerous books he has written and everyone agrees to mention its titles, except for the restored book "Al-Walaya" Not available and his book Rijal is still not found.
In this article, an attempt has been made to determine the religion of this famous rijali by reflecting and examining the movable works of this famous rijali and examining various aspects of his life, based on reports and historical arguments, as well as a review of rijali's views. Let's answer him. In this research, contrary to the rijalians' acknowledgment that Ibn Aqda was a Zaidi, it was emphasized that he was an Imam, and this has finally been proven based on historical reports and citations.
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