Document Type : Research Article
1 Associate professor, in Typology Sciences, the University of Shahid Beheshty
2 Assistant professor, in Linguistic Sciences, the Islamic Azad University of Tehran
An important issue to study in scriptures, especially Quran, is the issue of miracle. Most of the Quran stories are about the holy life of prophets, therefore different authors have written several books about these stories that their narration can be considered and studied. There are different interpretations from Quran stories, but our purpose in this essay is to study Makarem Shirazi’s book, using Structuralist method. Different methods have been deployed in this essay such as Greimas’ Semiotics-Semantics method and Lintvelt’s narratology to show that Quran stories can be considered as a meaningful discourse in which there is a specified narrative structure.
It is worthy to mention that these narrations have been produced by an abstract author or meta-narrator for an abstract reader. The purpose of this essay is to show the formation of abstract author’s role in reproduction of meaning in representation of Adam story. In analysis of this story, from one side, using Lintvelt’s narratology, different levels of stories have been analyzed to determine abstract author, narrator, actant, and reader and from the other side, employing Greimas’ Semiotics-Semantics method, the production of meaning has been discussed through discovering theme, and structure of narration, actantial model, and syntax of narration. In addition to determining different levels of the story, using these models help us to show the actants and their role.
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