In order to comprehend the content of Hadith, there is a need for a right method which is named "Fiqh al-Hadith". To obtain the meaning of the text of Hadith without this kind of the science would lead to mistake and misguidance. To avoid this risk there were formed many endeavors by Muslim learned men to attain a proper understanding of Quran and Hadith that the science of Usul Fiqh was a sample.
Many of the great figures of Hadith in their comments on Hadith collections have used of methods and rules that may help us in knowing method, criteria and grounds of comprehending Hadith. One of these works is a book by the name of Al-Favaid Al-Toosiah by Shaikh Horr Ameli. This book due to the position of the writer and its explaining the difficult narratives has a main significance and in it we may find many important points and subtleties and also the solutions for different objections and fallacies not mentioned in other books.
In this paper we have tried to articulate the grounds of Shaikh Horr in understanding Hadith with an analytical-descriptive method. Some of these grounds are as follows: to posit the text, to assure about the authentication of Hadith, removing the uncertainty in hadith, to form a family group for Hadith, to know the words used in Hadith, knowing the causes and conditions of the issue of Hadith, considering the context of Hadith, to know the message of the proverbs used in Hadith, to solve the conflicts in Hadiths, and observing the Quran and other narratives and etc.