The Necessity, Nature and Cross Question’s Method from the ‎Perspective of Ahlol ‎Beyt (p.b.u.h)‎


Professor, Department of Quran Science and Hadith, Imam Sadegh University


The Holy Quran is an instruction of human life until the day of resurrection. Therefore, must ‎‎constantly respond he needs to be. God's plan for this job is a comprehensive and everlasting of ‎‎this book, Both are necessary to Terminate of prophecy. One type of relationship with the Holy ‎‎Quran that emphasis there on and referring to the needs is a “Cross Question”. Speech to the ‎‎Word of God Means Presence Silent book In human societies, solving problems, resolve concerns ‎‎and playing the role.‎
‎“Cross Question” means that supply questions to The Holy Quran and get answers. It’s ‎‎something beyond ordering Interpretation, Quran by Quran Interpretation and commentary of ‎‎Quran ‎and having serious differences with them. The cases start of text Holy Quran but Cross ‎‎Question start of society's problems, Nevertheless isn’t a Interpretation by Vote because ‎‎Interrogator recourse to The Holy Quran with questions not associated with response.‎
On the other hand, high levels of Cross Question special for ahlol beyt but for various reasons ‎‎this is not confined to them. This article in addition to addressing frequency words “Cross ‎‎Question” in The Holy Quran, whit referring to theory of Martyr Sadr about thematic ‎‎interpretation, investigate related topics by methods analytical and descriptive‎.
