Associate Professor in Islamic Theology, Gorgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran.
“Nuzhatun Nazir wa Tanbihul Khatir” is of the old Shiite works. Despite concerns for it, Shiite scholars have not been unanimous for many years about its author. The known aspect of the author's life was limitted to little evidences noted by some Hadith narrators and bibliographers. His name is also referred differently in various versions and so there is even no confidence about these little amounts of data.
However, through a couple of centuries, Shiite scholars have made considerations about his charachter and works, as well as they compelled sometimes to reassess their suppositions. They have examined some hypothesizes on the basis of the evidences inside and outside of the work text, and also tried to find new evidences. This study is to investigate the development of researches about the author.
Moreover, it is intended to prepare the more contrast picture of the author’s life, opinion and social status, according to the rest of evidences ignored yet.