Assistant professor, in Quran and Hadith Sciences, the University of Shahid Rajaey.
Same type of benefit, the originator of various interpretations. “Mohammad Ezzat darvaze” from the Sunni Scholars the variety in the interpretation of the way of preparing chapter has borrowing on interest. And of the Quran, Al-Hadith, critic of these companions, sink, dictionaries.
He is relying on the order and the saq, the sink and the tradition of makkei and civil, and your poiai using thought to some votes. Drvazeh always use wisdom and efforts and, of course, look to the analysis of the verses and Hadith sect. And verbal topics and jurisprudence, with the Shiite opposition.
This article is a kind of fundamental research and analysis with the use of resources of the library in the author describing the variety of interpretation resources, some of its privileges and costi is shown .and Some of the tanzili interpretation, interpretation of the failure is shown. Note the reference to the concept of the transparent words, pronoun, evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of Gospel. This is the interpretation of the privileges.