A Comparative Analysis of the Views Expressed by Shiite and Sunni Exegetes and Orientalists ‎Regarding the Traditions Alluding to Distortion of Quran


1 Associate professor in Quranic Science and Hadith at the University of Isfahan

2 Ph.D. Student of Quran and Hadith in Isfahan University & Assistant professor in Faculty of Islamic Propagation Office, Department of Religions


The verse 24 of Surat al-Nisā’ (Women) which is also known as Āyat al-Mut’a (The verse legalizing ‎temporary marriage) is one of the most controversial themes discussed by Shiite and Sunni ‎commentators of holy Quran. In addition to its interpretation, the traditions received about its ‎meaning in which the verse is recited in a different form and with extra wordings while attributing the ‎reading to some companions and Imams have caused this verse to become significant in this aspect as ‎well.
In this essay, after analyzing the texts and Isnads of the traditions mentioned in Shiite sources, ‎mentioning the views of great Shiite exegetes in different eras, reviewing some of the Sunni narrative ‎exegeses and narrating the views of some Western scholars, I have tried to acquit the Shiite of the ‎charge of believing in the distortion of Quran and to reject the traditions attributed to the Imams ‎reciting the verse with different wording‎. 
