1 Associate professor in Quranic Science and Hadith at the University of Isfahan
2 Ph.D. Student of Quran and Hadith in Isfahan University & Assistant professor in Faculty of Islamic Propagation Office, Department of Religions
The verse 24 of Surat al-Nisā’ (Women) which is also known as Āyat al-Mut’a (The verse legalizing temporary marriage) is one of the most controversial themes discussed by Shiite and Sunni commentators of holy Quran. In addition to its interpretation, the traditions received about its meaning in which the verse is recited in a different form and with extra wordings while attributing the reading to some companions and Imams have caused this verse to become significant in this aspect as well.
In this essay, after analyzing the texts and Isnads of the traditions mentioned in Shiite sources, mentioning the views of great Shiite exegetes in different eras, reviewing some of the Sunni narrative exegeses and narrating the views of some Western scholars, I have tried to acquit the Shiite of the charge of believing in the distortion of Quran and to reject the traditions attributed to the Imams reciting the verse with different wording.