Importance and Position of Love between parents in the Quran-Islamic life style


1 Associate professor, in Philosophy Sciences, the University of Imam Sadegh

2 Assistant professor, in Quran Sciences, the University of Payamenoor Tehran.

3 Assistant professor, in Islamic Education Sciences, the University of Payamenoor Tehran.

4 Phd Student, in Islamic Education Sciences, the University of Payamenoor Tehran.


In the contemperory global village, there are a vriety of ways and styles for ‎spouses in their family life affected by different religious rules, differrent manners‎‎, customs and cultures. islam as a complete religion certainly lay dawn a special ‎pattern for spouses in cognitive, emotional and behaviorial realm which should ‎be taught and observed by the true believers.
Accordingly the importance and ‎status of love as a moral and quranic virtue in the emotional realm of life - style of ‎spouses is being studied. in quranic doctrines and other islamic and moral texts ‎and sources, love is based mainly  upon spiritual featuresof spouses without ‎denying the secondary role of outward properties. In addition to that those ‎spiritual qualities promote the corporeal ones and make them more attactive and ‎fantastic and can pave the ground for the real love of god which is the utmost ‎perfection of man.
