Koleiny’s Method in Classification of “Kafi”s Traditions ‎


Associate Professor, Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, University of Isfahan


Methods of tradition’s classification were influence from classification ‎system of each age in which authers take regards it in their compilings. The ‎selection of key concepts and issues in “Kafi” based on necessity and ‎problems of  the Koleiny’s age. The main themes that extract from the preface ‎are: wisdom and ignorance, virtue of knowledge, the necessity of adhering to ‎the Sunnah and the Qur'an, monotheism, prophethood and Imamate, ‎customs and statutes and Jurisprodences.
Koleiny emphasize on the  ‎instromental role of wisdom and adhering to the sunnah and the Qur'an ‎and set the books of  wisdom and ignorance and virtue of knowledge as the ‎preface for the concepts of monotheism, prophethood and Imamate, ‎customs and statutes andJurisprodences. Koleiny set his comprehensive ‎book in the tree style from the totoal to detail. 
