Review and Analysis of the Narratives of Origin Nickname “Abu Traub”


1 Associate professor, in Quran and Hadith Sciences, the University of Imam Sadegh.

2 Phd Student, in Quran and Hadith Sciences, the University of Imam Sadegh.


One of the Nicknames of Amir al-Mu'minin Ali (as), is "Abu Traub," which according ‎ to the related traditions, he was addressed with this nickname at  first, by the holy ‎prophet Muhammad (pbuh). There are some conflicting reports ‎in traditional and historical sources about the origin of this nickname. Some of these ‎reports strongly blemish the sacred and divine authority of  Fatima Zahra ‎‎(s.a) and Imam Ali (a.s). Unfortunately, some of these reports have pierced ‎in Shia hadith sources and have been treated with them with to lerance.‎
In this article, these reports were evaluated and it was found that many of these ‎reports are fabricated by hadith for geries. Then, an analysis about prevalence ‎of thes enarratives was expressed. Finally, this paper has proved that ‎the nickname “AbuTraub” was a medal that Ali (a.s) received it from Prophet ‎‎(pbuh) because of his piety and his worships; but his opponents tried ‎to convert this virtue in to an tivalue‎.
