The riot of the Sofyany is one of the signs of the Mahdi's appearance, that we can observe its narratives in Shiʿite and Sunni's traditionally sources. Howbeit, there are numerous contradiction in the narratives, such as contradiction in his name, his pedigree and his personality, the time and the place of his riot, his acts, etc.
also, some of this narratives as well as the names of persons, the names of tribes and the names of places mentioned at them can be versatile with the events was happened in primary centuries of hegira.
We shouldn't neglect that a lot of this narratives was not quoted by Ma'sooms, as well as a lot of narrator of the aren’t authentic. Moreover, Ma'soom's words where quoted by Imams who were living before the Imam Kathim.
It is necessary checking this narrations and theories as to them, Because of importance of cognition about the Mahdi and necessity of purgation this narrations. Also, some corrects among them declare the riot of the Sofyany is inevitable before the Mahdi's appearance. This article will seek to achieve this goal