1 PHD Student in philosophy Science at the University of Ferdowsi at Mashhad
2 Assistant professor in philosophy Science at the University of Sistan and Balouchestan.
One of the most important Quranic evidences about be innate religious Learning’s, is verse 172«أَلَسْتُ بِرَبِّکُم قالُوا بَلى» that can know it an argument against enemies and deny - makers of the religion. Different Opinions have been raised about this verse by earlier and succulents; some have considered this verse allegory and others believe that the verse is explaining an external reality. when necessity of this subject is found that difference of several ideas and apparently contradictory in this field, be frustrated the minds of custom and specially Enthuse of this field.
The present study after examining opinions and views of Martyr Motahari and Master Javadi Amoli about the curved universe, states that similarity of these two honorable scholars is into grant favor to Scholarly Tabatabaei 's view, with this difference that Martyr Motahari apparently has accepted the theory but Master Javadi has contradicted it .It seems that innovation of this article is that it can gathering the "malakut" view point of Allameh Tabatabaei with nature view point of Professor Javadi Amoli.