Document Type : Research Article
1 Ph.D. Student in Quranic Science and Hadith at Islamic Azad University Central Branch in Tehran
2 FullProfessor in Quranic Science and Hadith, at Islamic Azad University Central Branch in Tehran
The prophets’ Ejtehad theory, does not monopolize the sources of the Prophets’ knowledge, Speech and action only to the revelation but believes that their personal inferences at the time of the interruption of the divine messages is complementary of the divine revelation and also determine some of their positions and functions. Because of the possibility of error in the process of Ejtehad, describing the messengers only to Ejtehad requires the acceptance of committing the errors and mistakes on their behalf. Many Sunni’s commentators and scholars believes the legitimacy of Ejtehad and its occurrence on prophets’ behalf and some of them believe only its legitimacy. While the majority of Shiites, do not approve the legitimacy of the prophets’ Ejtehad and its occurrence. Only some of them believe its rational and not religious legitimacy. The evidences of the each proponent and opponents of this theory, in proving or disproving it, are rational reasons and the Quran verses. Permitting the lack of participation in the battle of Tabuk to the hypocrites, consulting with people, etc. by the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) as well as other prophets are some instances that the believers of the prophets’ Ejtehad, considering them due to the Ejtehad. At the other hand, the opponents criticized above claims by offering rational reasoning and other verses and have proved the Prophets adherence of revelation and divine guidance, especially the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) in all matters.