Document Type : Research Article
1 Associate professor in Quranic Science and Hadith at the University of Isfahan
2 Phd Student in Quranic Science and Hadith at the University of Isfahan.
The variant Quranic readings in some verses, have led to the differences in the exegetes and jurists’ inferences. In this essay, considering the importance of the issues of usury in Muslim society and its condemnation in Islamic economical system, the variant readings of the Quranic verse of 30:39 have been explored and the impact of this variation on the views of Shiite exegetes and jurists has been pointed out. Here, in addition to the explanation of the lexical, verbal, narrative and exegetical aspects of the concept of usury, the two terms of «(ءَاتَیْتُم (اَتیتم)» و «لِیَرْبُوَا (لِتُربُوا» and the different ways of reading them and justifications expressed for each have been discussed using an analytic approach. It is concluded that, the various inferences made of this verse such as the permissibility or impermissibility of usury and the variety of the partial inductions concerning the verse such as the fact that the verse refers to the gifts or lending or Nasi’eh usury, are all the consequences of the various ways of reading the verse. Then the attention of the jurists and exegetes to the variations of the reading has led to the variety of inferences about the verse.