Document Type : Research Article
1 Assistant professor in Quranic Science at the University of Shahid Beheshti
2 Assistant professor in Quranic Science and Hadith at the University of Imam Sadegh
3 professor in Philosophy Science at the University of Tehran
Achievement an interdisciplinary study needs congruence between Disciplines involved in research. Such studies are necessary to establish three species congruence.Methodological, linguistically and Epistemological congruencies are three Necessities that create integration in interdisciplinary study. Sample-based survey of Part of interdisciplinary research in the field of Qur'anic Studies, propose three methodological necessities for establishing methodological congruency:
1- Using methods that have been accepted in its scientific discourse;
2- Displaing the exact meaning of the methodology used and expression the differentiate of the method used;
3- Organic using of methods instead of mechanical one which could improve the integration procedure and catalyze of new achievements in research. Indubitable Achieving these three Necessities can leads the interdisciplinary study to create common language and to establish an interdisciplinary dialogue that leads to problem solving and a better understanding emerges obtained