The Methodological Necessities of Quranic ‎Interdisciplinary Studies

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant professor in Quranic Science at the University of Shahid Beheshti

2 Assistant professor in Quranic Science and Hadith at the University of Imam ‎Sadegh

3 professor in Philosophy Science at the University of Tehran


Achievement an interdisciplinary study needs congruence between Disciplines involved in ‎research. Such studies are necessary to establish three species congruence.Methodological, ‎linguistically and Epistemological congruencies are three Necessities that create integration in ‎interdisciplinary study. Sample-based survey of Part of interdisciplinary research in the field of ‎Qur'anic Studies, propose three methodological necessities for establishing methodological ‎congruency:
1- Using methods that have been accepted in its scientific discourse;
2- Displaing the ‎exact meaning of the methodology used and expression the differentiate of the method used;
3- ‎Organic using of methods instead of mechanical one which could improve the integration ‎procedure and catalyze of new achievements in research. Indubitable Achieving these three ‎Necessities can leads the interdisciplinary study to create common language and to establish an ‎interdisciplinary dialogue that leads to problem solving and a better understanding emerges ‎obtained
