Document Type : Research Article
1 Professor, Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, University of Tehran
2 Phd Student in Quran and Hadith Science at the University of Mazaheb Islami
Qamoos Alredjal is one of the most important of ridjal contemporary books. This book written in twelve volumes is a critical work to Mamaqani's Tanqih almaqal. Although it was written to criticize Mamaqani's book, but Shooshtari has his own independent ridjal principals and views which on them his principals and views were based. The problem is that what are his special ridjal principals? Some of his special ridjal principals could be obtained through introduction of the book. As his other foundations are recognizable by other sources in his works and views. Based on this, the most important bases of Shushtari's special ridjal are: the authenticity of the narrations of Ibn Dawood and Allameh Helli from the early principles of Ridjal books, the preference of Ibn Davood' narrations from the books of Sheikh Toosi, the preference of the Allameh Helli narrations from Ridjal Najashi, the complete lack of confidence in the discipline and the need for a critical attitude To this book, the authority of the non-Imami's declaring trustworthy and its superiority to the Imam's, being admired non-mentioned transmitters and authenticity of their hadiths.