Document Type : Research Article
Assistant professor in Quran and Hadith Science at the University of Isfahan
Study of developments in regard to prevalence of various Quranic readings in different regions, spread of variants in this respect, and the large number of popular readers to whom special readings are attributed, indicate that some important politico- cultural circles have paved the way for these various readings. Thus these politico cultural factors should be taken into account while making Quranic researches. The Medinan –oriented circle is among these politico-cultural circles proved to be significant and influential in many developments of Quranic sciences.
The present article is an attempt to study the influence of this circle in development and prevalence of certain Quranic readings in the history of Muslim world. What points to the significance of dealing with this subject is the ambiguity in some historical reports relevant to the causes of development and prevalence of some special readings in certain regions of the Muslim world. These reports have been subject to different interpretations in different times. These differences and the lack of precise explanation of politico- cultural circles have hindered us from a realistic look to the issue of variants in Quranic readings.