Document Type : Research Article
Assistant professor in Islamic Maaref at the University of Isfahan
Salafi and excommunicative movement of Wahhabism, is a Sunni sect. This sect was systematized by the ideas of Ahmad Ibn Hanbal and evolved by Ibn Taymiyyah and Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab. This sect caused a lot of sedition in the Islamic World, because of exoteric commentary of Quran. One of the causes that led to misunderstanding and misinterpretations of the Quran is their commentary sources and references. This article, using documentary-analytical method, describes analyses and evaluates Salafis’ commentary references. The article concludes that some of the causes of differences are relying on some commentary sources such as Isra’iliyyat, the words of the Companions and Successors, personal Ijtihad and the type of Salafis’ exposure to the commentary sources.