Document Type : Research Article
Assistant Professor of Islamic Jurisprudence and Islamic Law Parsa - Babolsar Higher Education Institution
The pillars of Islam are a collection of hadiths on some divisions, especially in the field of Islamic jurisprudence written by Abū Ḥanīfa al-Nuʿmān ibn Muhammad scientist of the fourth century. As it cannot be found in other Hadiths, the acceptance or rejection of the traditions of the pillars of Islam will be irrefutable when there is a need to infer or derive a judgment. There is a controversy on whether these Hadidths are valid or not. Hence, this book was not considered by the majority of Fiqhi scientists as a valid one, just a few of them. The validity of the book is based on the content integrity, trustworthiness and reliability of the writer as well as the authenticity of hadiths which help to produce an innate reliable capacity. The purpose of this study was to investigate the competitor documentations and find answer to the possible problems.