Document Type : Research Article
1 Associate professor in Quran and Hadith Science at the University Imam Sadegh in tehran
2 Ph.D. Student in Quran and Hadith Science at the University Mazaheb Islami
The book "Al-Kafi" is the oldest comprehensive narrative in the "Arbaa books". The book was written in a «short Absenteeism», and the great writer such as Koleini have spent more than twenty years writing that time. Hence, from the beginning of the book, so far, its narrations have been investigated by Imamie schoolar. Some, according to the preamble to the book, have given the veracity of all the narratives. Others, according to the late definition of the "sahih" hadith, have not accepted this ratio and have contradicted the validity of their hadiths. Among the hadiths of contemporary scholars, Muhammad Baqir Behboodi, while denying the authenticity of all the sufficient hadiths, only slightly more than a quarter of the hadiths correctly believed it and compiled a collection of these traditions entitled Sahih al-Kafi. Although in the method of identifying the correct hadiths and recognizing the tragic, weak and weak narratives, some innovative methods have been presented from him, but his methods and criteria have been criticized by other scholars of theosophy. In addition, the origin of such a book has been criticized by some contemporary scholars. Among the contemporaries of Ayatollah Seyyed Abolqasem Khoyi and his apprentice Moslem Davari, they have determined standards for the proper understanding of more narratives of al-ki'afi. This article tries to compare and criticize the main views of these three hadiths of contemporary scholars on the authenticity of sufficient hadiths.