Intertextual Exegises from the qurʿanic Vers 33: 69 According to ‎German and Hebrew Translations

Document Type : Research Article


Ph.D. Student of Comparative Religious Studies, Dhar al-Hadith Institute of Qom ‎


The vers 33: 69 forbids belivers from repeating what annoyed Moses:" Believers! Be not as those who slandered Moses, but Allah proved his innocence of that which they alleged, and he was well esteemed in Allah's sight". The verse did not specify how Jews harmed their prophet, so Muslim commentators mentioned four probability: (they said) 1. Moses has a defect in his body; 2. He killed his brother Aaron; 3. He has illegal sexual relation; 4. He is only a magician, not a prophet.
On the other side, many commentators believe, the verse is about prophet's marriage with Zeinab that was mentioned before (36- 48). Thus, there is no exact and clear relation between main themes of the surah, especially the verse and those probabilities. Attention must be paid that one of the principle subjects in this surah is correcting the pre-Islamic traditions and here, lawful marriage with the divorced wife of a believer's stepsons.
German Scholar in 19th, Günther Wahl, in his translation of the Qurʿan, under this verse referred to the book of Numbers, chapter 12; In light of this footnote we can achieve a real exegesis. In this chapter of the Torah, Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Cushite woman whom he had married. According to an ancient tradition, the Hebrew was not allowed to marry with non- Hebrews and Zipporah belong to Midianites. This Article focuses on all interpretations on this verse, and finally I try to elaborate more on what Günther Wahl and later all Hebrew Qurʿan Translators referred to briefly and make it an intertextual exegesis


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