The Role of Qur'anic Culture in Cultural Changing of Society in Ayatollah Khamenei's Thoughts

Document Type : Research Article


1 Master of Science in Islamic and Cultural Studies and Communications, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran.

2 Assistant Professor in Islamic and Cultural Studies and Communications, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran.


The leaders of the Islamic Revolution have repeatedly emphasized that the changes that the Islamic Revolution seeks to bring about on the basis of the Qur'an in society, and especially at the cultural level. But the problem is that without a pattern of cultural change "based on the Holy Qur'an," one cannot clearly see how these changes are going to emerge in society. Accordingly, this study seeks to understand the role of the Quranic culture in social change. What we have heard from the statements of the leader of the revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei, is that the leader of the revolution, by designing this idea, and has described this model, which is mentioned as "the Qur'anic community". In this model, the three factors and elements of governing the Quranic culture and space in society, the role of governments and the mission of Quran as the arms of creating cultural change in the direction of the Quran's inclusion in the community is mentioned. In this research, while reviewing the great statements of the Holy word by the method of the analysis of the subject, the explanation of the above pattern is carried out using verses and narrations, and finally, the categorization of the themes to be discussed has been described. By carefully studying the statements of Ayatollah Khamenei, we will conclude that the expansion of the culture of the Qur'an, which is the introduction to the Qur'an, is due to the support of the sovereigns, as well as the serious role played by the Qur'an, which led to the establishment of a Qur'anic society as well as the introduction of the Quran's cultural rule. The space of the country will be.


Main Subjects

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