The role of intellectual Ayats of surah Al-Ahzab

Document Type : Research Article


1 Professor of Quran and Hadith Sciences Department of Imam Sadiq University

2 Professor of Quran and Hadith Sciences Department of Tehran University

3 Ph.D. Student of Islamic Studies University


Within many Ayats of the holy Quran, God Almighty has interpreted the final goal of His divine acts and this way He accounted people as who have the capacity to understand these intentions to proceed their life to achieve these holy goals.
In sura Ahzab six explanations of intellectual ayats have been discussed and determined by the cause of knowledge some of these actions are;
• the covenant between Almighty and His prophets,
• the questions will be asked from the truthful people,
• The divine deposit been given to humans
But the intention of these acts has not been clearly described so these ayats have made interpreters to give different ideas.
Analysing the environment and situation the ayats were revealed and then placed in that particular environment, which is understood from the ayats itself, and the placement of these intellectual ayats into that environment, will be an efficient aid to comprehend the intellectual ayats and the meaning of covenant between Almighty and His prophets and the divine deposit passed on to people.


Main Subjects

قرآن کریم.
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