The Typology of Arrogance and its Nature in The Holy Qur'an

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ph.D. graduated of Quran and Hadith Sciences in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Associate professor of Quran and Hadith Sciences in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


One of the most important discussions of the Qur'an in the field of ethics and sociology is the analysis of arrogance in its dimensions and levels. The Holy Qur'an has been dedicated to the perseverance and institutionalization of this culture in individuals and societies, and the presence of mercenaries throughout the ages, which has led many Quranic verses to be attributed to their ethical-behavioral attributes. The significance of this issue is so far as recognizing the phenomenon of arrogance in any era and time is considered as an instrument of religious insight and the importance of social issues.
In this essay, it has been attempted to provide a comprehensive, precise analysis of the nature of arrogance and the semantic domain of the term, to analyze and rooted in its various types and to extract the factors, origins and effects of this phenomenon. This paper studies the relevant verses in the field of arrogance in a text analysis method. By examining the term "arrogance" alongside the synonymous vocabulary and its synonym, it refers to the context, factors and effects of this social phenomenon, and it follows that abusive arrogance is the root and cause of other forms of arrogance. The aristocracy, military and economic power, the needlessness of God and the neglect of divine power are among the most important factors in the formation of arrogance. It also reinforces the spirit of uprising, oppression and self-esteem, and paying attention to divine values ​​and self-centeredness and self-esteem, including the Qur'anic guidelines for the article with this disproportionate social character.


Main Subjects

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