An Analytical Review of the Methodology of Interpretive Expressions in Haddad Adel's Translation Process

Document Type : Research Article


Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Vlada, Iranshahr, Iran.


In this article, has been paid to the methodology of the translation of "allusion" by Professor Haddad Adel and criticized his performance. The critics and experts of the translation have considered the three appropriate methods for the translation of "allusion" And they believe that the metonymy method is the best way to translation of the equivalence expressions that have the alluded meaning in the target language (translation) Otherwise, it is necessary to consider the literal translation in a semantic way, and even in the form of a literal translation. The author also suggests a combined and consolidated method: "semantic-communicative"; However, Haddad Adel has provided most of the Most of the alluded interpretations in purely literal style, which is the weakest way to translate "allusion" and it cannot fundamentally reflect the delicacy of hidden meanings to the audience. The achievement of this research, which has been done by reviewing the entire translation, with the trust of the descriptive-analytical and cash method shows that Haddad Adel does not have a uniform method In his translation and has used a variety of methods such as emblematic, semantic, semantic - communicative and literal Which is desirable and attentive. But the most important problem is the non-systematic and unprofessional use of the literal style, so that in the total items )15( of allusions in throughout his translation has been translated 9 items in literal form, 4 items in semantic mode, 1 item in alluded shape and 1 item in semantic communication methods. This subject has posed the translation of allusions by Haddad Adel to a clear challenge. The purpose of this paper is to review the translation of Haddad Adel with a focus on the allusions, and to suggest the most desirable way to translate this rhetorical structure, which in many cases requires a re-review.


Main Subjects

کتاب نامه
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