Semantics of Kinship Vocabulary in the Holy Quran

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature in University of Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D. student of Arabic Language and Literature in University of Tehran, Iran.


The semantic study of the Quran's words which have been intelligently and wisely embedded in the ayat and surahs, facilitates gaining access to a cohesive network of deep meanings and concepts in this divine book. Among the holy Quran's words, some seem to be synonymous, while with a careful semantic examination, their subtle differences become evident. This research attempts to account for this semantic precision, trying to investigate the difference between 'al'umu' and 'alwalida' and how they are used in the Quranic phrases and ayat with a survey into the Qur'an and based on structural semantics. The findings of the research show that these two words are characterized by 'temporality'; the word 'alwalida' is on the axis of time and refers to a specific period of time in 'al'ulmu' stages of life. This feature can be seen and studied in most of kinship terms.


Main Subjects

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