Document Type : Research Article
1 Assistant Professor, Department of Theology, Payam Noor University, Qom, Iran.
2 Professor, Department of Quran Science and Hadith, Al-Mustafa Al-Almiyah Society, Qom, Iran.
3 PhD Student of Islamic Studies, Payam Noor University of Qom, Iran.
Some of the verses of the Qur'an describe the resurrection and its events, including the status of criminals in the resurrection. In the meantime, verses make it clear that interrogation and questioning of criminals and their actions are required, and emphasizes that questioning of the general public - including sinners - and even reports of divine messengers and some of them, on the lack of questioning of criminals and their criminal actions signify. Hence, between the implications of these two categories of verses, inconsistency and inconsistency have emerged.
The commentators of the Holy Qur'an have tried to correct the above contradiction by explaining the verses correctly and based on their effort and explanation of the factors that caused the illusion of disagreement between the two categories of verses, disregard for the location of the question, dispute over the question. In the verses, ignoring the conditions of contradiction between the two statements and ultimately ignoring the rules of interpretation. The efforts of the commentators of the Holy Quran to resolve the inconsistencies of these two verses, although blessed and open, are dispersed on the one hand, and all the answers have not been gathered together, and on the other hand have not eliminated all ambiguities and bugs.
The present study seeks to answer its representations by examining the verses concerned and by applying the rules of interpretation, the number of questions, the negation of the real question, and the proof of the virtual question, as well as the expression of the plurality of the hereafter. This article discusses the verses of the sinner's question first and then the contradictory verses. The method of data collection in this research is by library study and its approach is analytical and critical. The findings of the study invalidate the contradiction between these two categories of verses.
Main Subjects