The Function of Elements of Non-Structural Coherence in the Prayer of the Eighteenth Sahifeh Sajjadiyeh

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Velayat, Iranshahr, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Velayat, Iranshahr, Iran

3 Instructor of Islamic Education Department, velayat University, Iranshahr, Iran.


The "system-role" theory of linguistics, Michael Holliday, is one of the most important linguistic theories that, in the systematic role-oriented framework, analyze various literary texts. In part of this theory, he speaks of indicators that should have a coherent text. Then, Roghayeh Hassan, by presenting a separate theory called "coherence coordination", completes his wife's theory. In this study, based on the evolution of the theory of Holliday and Hassan 1985, as well as the concept of the coordination of coherence that Roghayeh Hassan introduced in 1984, his coherence and coherent tools, in the prayer of the eighteenth Sahifeh Sajjadieh, were criticized and evaluated. Descriptive - analytical and statistical. the purpose of the author in this article is to explain the coherence, factors, and the extent of this coherence in the text of the 18th Sahifeh Sajjadiyah, relying on the above-mentioned theorem. The research achievement shows that there is a very high level of textual consistency and nearly 100% percent, which is remarkable in terms of linguistic knowledge and reflection. The non-structural coherence elements and lexical tools, in the text of the eighteenth Sahife Sajjadi's prayer, have a dominant and impressive presence. This frequency over the frequency of non-structural coherence factors in the text of the prayer mainly reflects the success of Imam Sajjad (as) in the accurate reflection of the concepts of prayer in Sahifeh Sajjadiyeh.


Main Subjects

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