Document Type : Research Article
1 PhD student in Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan Branch, Isfahan, Iran.
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Theology, University of Isfahan
Regional, ethnic and religious conflicts have targeted the unity of Islamic countries and caused divergence in relations between Islamic countries. However, from the Qur'an's point of view, the issue of "brotherhood" is one of the essential issues among the Muslim Ummah, and the Qur'an emphasizes not only the convergence of Muslims but also their convergence with other nations of the world. In this study, in addition to investigating the reason for the revelation, interpretation and context of the ninth verse of Surah Al-Hujurat and other related verses, the proposed solutions of the Qur'an in this regard are explained. The output of the research is that from the perspective of the Holy Quran, the relations of Muslims with everyone are based on the advice of kindness, installment and justice. However, in the social relations of Muslims with each other, in addition to the aforementioned points, the issue of brotherhood has also been emphasized.
Main Subjects