Typology of Formulas Process of Meaning "Forgiveness" in the Holy Qur'an and its Cultural Translations

Document Type : Research Article


Third level student, Marvi Islamic seminary, Tehran, Iran.


The "forgiveness" is one of the important meanings in the Holy Qur'an, and it refers to the five roots in the Holy Quran. However, for the reader of the present era, there is no difference between these words. The mission of this study is to carefully study these five roots using different methods of historical linguistics. For this purpose, with the "etymology" of the relevant words and the discovery of the " Formulas process of Meaning-Formation " in each word, the semantic distinction between these words is known based on the Arab perception in the age of revelation. In the next step, by typology of other formulations process of this meaning in other languages and comparing it with the types in the Qur'anic Arabic, we will provide the fields for cultural translation of Quranic words in this semantic field.


Main Subjects

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