Evaluation of Hadith by "List Analysis" Method: Views and Basics

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor, Research Center for Islamic Studies, Islamic Research Foundation, Astan Quds Razavi, Mashhad, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Research Center for Islamic Studies, Islamic Research Foundation, Astan Quds Razavi, Mashhad, Iran.


List analysis is one of the new methods in validating hadith, which is one of the initiatives of Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmad Madadi. For more than a decade, scientific writings have been presented to explain list analysis. But in these writings, this qualitative-quantitative method in evaluating the hadith has been reduced or increased. In this descriptive-analytical article, the two interpretations presented in these writings are reported, presented, reviewed and critiqued. In the first impression, the ultimate goal is to analyze the list of reconstructions of old hadith books, and the validation of the hadith is one of its side benefits. In the second interpretation, the analysis of a list is equal to the source of the narration, and the validity of the hadith is equal to the validity of the source in which it is mentioned. From the point of view of this article, list analysis is a method in validating a hadith in which locating and finding the source is part of it. List analysis is based on the fact that most of the Shiite narrations have been quoted in the context of the text, and therefore validation should be based on the evaluation of the text, and tools appropriate to this type of evaluation should be used, which are the most important tools in the lists.


Main Subjects

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