An Analysis of the Quranic Use of the Term "Oulouw Baqiyyah" and Its Extension by Qualitative Content Analysis

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD student in Quran and Hadith, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. The

2 Associate Professor, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.


The Qur'an offers certain theoretical models in various subject areas with the aim of organizing the behavioral system. The art of Qur'anic research is the discovery of these patterns and the placement of Qur'anic concepts in a specific pattern of each concept. In this case, the concepts become clear beyond mere conceptualization and their function in the behavioral system. This research uses the exploratory method of content analysis to analyze the function of "Ulwa Baqiyya" with the aim of discovering the Qur'anic pattern related to it. The research findings show that "Oluwa Baqiyya" plays a role in the Qur'anic model of "the orthodoxy of the tribes" under the thematic domain of "invitation to monotheism" to "lay the groundwork for the establishment and perpetuation of the rule of religion." Recreating the role of this concept is possible by inverting the counter-pattern of the "unbelievability of the tribes". In the unbelief of the tribes, the corruption of the intellectual and ideological system occurs through the corruption of the behavioral system and by the reference group of the "public". The function of the "first of all" in the pattern of unbelief is the inverse function of the public in the pattern of unbelief, and the "health of the behavioral system" of society depends on their activism. It seems that the verse related to this phrase corresponds to the question posed in verse 98 of Surah Yunus and its answer.


Main Subjects

The Holy Qur’an.
Nahj al-Balāghah.
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