Teaching Methods of Understanding of ‎Hadith in the Tradition of Imam Baqir ‎‎(pbuh)‎

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD student in Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies; University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

3 Master student of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Imam Sadegh University, Tehran, Iran.


"Understanding the hadith" has a high position among the teachings of Shiite Imams; As he has considered the understanding of one hadith superior to the narration of a thousand hadiths. Understanding the hadith is possible in two ways, relying on the general principles of understanding the text and referring to the teachings of the Imams themselves. An analysis of the history of the jurisprudence of hadith shows that the discussion of the principles of understanding and the true meaning of the words of the infallible Imams has been of interest to him and his companions and has been invented by those nobles and by himself; Those who need to adhere to tradition and hadith have also demanded that criteria be provided by the Imams (pbuh) for a correct understanding of hadith. One of the narrative sections rich in this regard is the "hadiths left by Imam Baqir" (pbuh). From the study of the narrations received from Imam Baqir (pbuh), it appears that in addition to explaining a large part of the religious teachings, he also sought to "teach the methods of correct understanding of the hadiths" to his followers; So that the Shiites, especially during the absence, can benefit from the narrations by using these methods and find the means of guidance from it at any time and under any circumstances. Analyzing the narrations of Imam Baqir (pbuh) by analyzing the content and collecting research data in a library manner, it appears that some methods, such as: recognizing nominal and literal words and paying attention to the development of their meanings in order to know the original meaning of the hadith. Understanding the serious meaning can be achieved through methods such as: using the same Quranic verses, forming a family of hadith, paying attention to the subject of issuance, the occurrence of quoting meaning, fragmentation, distortion, similarity, transgression, as well as proper interpretation in dealing with misunderstandings. It is an achievement and this is important, it has been mentioned in the narrations of Imam Baqir (pbuh).


Main Subjects

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