The Comparative Purpose of the Story of Hazrat ‎Ibrahim‏ ‏‎(pbuh)‎‏ ‏In Makki Surahs Simultaneously with ‎the Descent

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Qur'anic Sciences and Commentary, University of ‎Sciences and Education of the Holy Quran. Qom. Iran.‎

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Qur'anic Sciences and Commentary, University of ‎Sciences and Education of the Holy Quran. Qom. Iran‎


The story of Prophet Ibrahim is explained in eight surahs of Makkah, including the Blessed Virgin Maryam, the shoara, the Hood, the hejr, the anaam, the Saafat, the anbiaa: and the ankaboot. This article examines the relationship between the purpose of the mentioned surahs and the story of Hazrat Ibrahim Khalilullah with the conditions of the Holy Prophet and the believers And in a descriptive-analytical method, the relationship between the stories of the Qur'an and the purpose of the surah in terms of the guiding effects of the Qur'an has been achieved. Therefore, it can be assumed that the stories of the previous prophets in the Qur'an, which include a major chapter of the divine verses, also play an important role in providing some of the purpose of guiding the Qur'an. Examining the eight chapters of Maki, it became clear that the story of Prophet Ibrahim was sometimes used to strengthen the heart of the Prophet, to strengthen his stability, The glorification of the believers in the truth, the guidance of the Prophet and her faithful followers in how to deal with the polytheists, the promise of an end to the infidels' conflict and an imminent victory, etc. have been recounted.


Main Subjects

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