Approaches of Imami Scholars in Facing Sunni News

Document Type : Review Article


1 Master of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Razavi University of Islamic Sciences, Mashhad, ‎Iran. ‎

2 Assistant Professor, Fiqh Department, Razavi University of Islamic Sciences, Mashhad, ‎Iran‏.‏

3 Associate Professor, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Razavi University ‎of ‎Islamic Sciences, Mashhad, Iran‏.‏


Imamiyya scholars have not adopted the same approach when facing Sunni news. This research ‎uses library resources and descriptive-analytical method in order to typify the aforementioned ‎approaches. Approaches of conditional acceptance, non-acceptance and instrumentalism are the ‎three types of Imamiyya's confrontation with Sunni news. According to the findings of this ‎research, the selection of the first approach is dependent on the fulfillment of conditions in this ‎news, which include: lack of mandatory rules and principles of belief, reporting of news from the ‎Messenger of God (pbuh) and Ali (pbuh), the support of the news with fame, existence Reliable ‎narrators in the chain of Sind and also included in the writings of Imami scholars. The second ‎approach also does not allow the acceptance of these reports due to the three reasons of the ‎advice of the Prophets (pbuh) to oppose the public, the lack of justice of Sunni narrators, and the ‎knowledge of self-inflicted falsification in their collection of hadiths. The instrumental approach, ‎without judging the credibility of these news, uses them to discover hadiths that show piety or to ‎protest against religious opponents. This research, after explaining the evidences of each of these ‎types, sat down to review them and at the end explained its chosen approach on the basis of the ‎central hypothesis in obtaining trust in the issuance of hadith‎.


Main Subjects

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