Discourse Analysis of sura tahrim based on norman fairclogh’ model

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD student of Quran and Hadith sciences, imam sadegh university of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor, Department of Quranic and hadith sciences, Imam Sadegh (AS) University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Quranic and hadith science, shahid beheshti university, Tehran, Iran.


Fairclough’s three-dimensional analysis model, which is based on description, interpretation, and explanation, can help in assessing the dominant perspective on texts in society, as well as which perspective and intellectual foundation develops a specific text. In doing so, the text’s social attitude can be contested, which may lead to social acts being changed and corrected. By taking a cue from Fairclough’s model, it is possible to learn how to understand and explain surahs for which there are few hadith sources available, or have been misinterpreted based on socially accepted beliefs. According to the second Caliph, Surah At-Tahrim was revealed about two caliphs’ daughters. However, the exegesists have not examined their behavior because of religious biases. For the aforementioned reason, the accounts that are now available regarding the occasion of the surah’s revelation are ineffectual. This study examined Surah At-Tahrim as a discourse. The terms "saqw," "mawla," "zaheyr," etc., were examined in the description section. God and Ali ibn Abi Talib backed the Prophet Muhammad and opposed his wives because of the wives’ proclivity for deviation and lack of regret. In the interpretation section, the prevailing viewpoint of the surah revealed that the Prophet Muhammad’s wives were accomplices with the hypocrites who hatched an unforgivable conspiracy, so that God proposed that the Prophet Muhammad, who practiced the utmost kindness with his family, divorce his wives. According to the explanation section, the reason for revealing the surah was to uncover the conspiracy of conspirators and so that society could decide the right path after the death of the Prophet Muhammad and not be misled. This descriptive-analytical research used a desk study to collect data.


Main Subjects

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