Formatting the Sermons of Moqammassah and Fadakiyeh based on Van Dyck's Model

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate professor of the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran.

2 PhD Student of Arabic Language and Literature, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran



Van Dyck - a Dutch linguist - conducted studies in various social fields in the field of critical discourse. By presenting his ideological model, he defined the ideological approaches of discourse and various socio-cognitive functions. The aim of the current research is to discover different discourse strategies and functions in two sermons: Muqammsa of Hazrat Ali and Fadakiyeh of Hazrat Zahra, for the purpose of identity analysis and structural analysis. Therefore, we try to analyze and investigate with Van Dyk's socio-cognitive method. The primary approach is as follows: Ali bin Abi Talib and Fatimah have spoken in their words with the methods of coherence, appropriate vocabulary selection, highlighting the positive points of the insider group and the negative points of the enemy group, citing reliable texts and accepting the minds of their audience. The functions of verbal action compared to non-verbal action have played a role with the dynamics and orientation of their words and the sharing of the audience in line with the goals of their sermons. Also, following the common format and order in Islamic sermons - which he observed in his sermons - has led to the hegemony, identification and coherence of their speech.


Main Subjects

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