Quranic Principles of Confronting the Arrogant based on the Foreign Policy of Islam

Document Type : Research Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Vali Asr (Aj) Rafsanjan University, Kerman, Iran.


Arrogance, from the point of view of the Holy Qur'an, is the existence of a kind of domination by dictatorial governments or oppressive minorities over the masses of people inside the country or at the international level. One of the research needs in the field of foreign policy is to explain the Qur'anic principles of how to deal with the arrogant and face them in order to outline the principles of the foreign policy of Islamic societies. For this purpose, in this article, an attempt has been made to extract the Quranic foundations of confronting the arrogant by using the method of library study and descriptive analysis in order to outline the principles of the foreign policy of Islam. The results of the research show that in the Holy Qur'an, while explaining the concept of arrogance and its honest expression in previous civilizations, God the Almighty has drawn the relationship with arrogant people and principles such as: the principle of negation of mustache, the principle of preserving Islamic dignity, the principle of commitment and adherence to agreements Politically, he has fully explained the principle of Tuli and Tabari, the principle of negation of relations with oppressors, the principle of negation of being oppressed, the principle of not neglecting enemies, along with the criteria of relations with foreigners.


Main Subjects

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