Document and Evidence-Based Analyses of the Narrations Regarding the “Immunity from the Afterlife Account of the Buried and the Deceased in the Haramain” in Imamia Sources

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor of Quran & Hadith Sciences, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran.

2 PhD Student of Quran & Hadith Sciences, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran; Iran.



In the narrative books of Imamiyah, there are narrations that prove certain immunities in the Afterlife in terms of punishment and reckoning for the deceased and the buried in the Haramain. Some of these hadiths have called the infidels subject to this ruling also. The conflict of these narrations with the verses and narrations that consider man responsible for his own actions and beliefs and negate any injustice in the account, and their incompatibility with the religious knowledge derived from reason, at least has brought about the hypothesis of the weakness of a part of these narrations; and this has caused the formation of this research based on the documentary and content evaluation of these narrations. According to this research, most of these narrations are weak in terms of documentation; and the apparent themes of some of these narrations are not acceptable due to their conflict with certain religious evidences. Only by interpreting the narrations and deviating from their contexts, an acceptable version of them can be rendered.


Main Subjects

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