Examining the Opinion of Hashim Ma’rouf al-Hasani in Opposition to the Meaning and the Validity of Hadiths of “man balghahu”

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ph.D. student in Quran and Hadith Studies, Tehran North Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Quran & hadith, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Quran & hadith, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran



Hadiths of man balghahu appear in the fact that if someone acts on a hadith, then it turns out that the hadith is not valid, his reward is reserved with God. According to some scholars, these hadiths have become a basis for acting according to weak hadiths, or allowing for the issuance of a Shariah ruling of isrtihbab, or at least a promise that the practitioner of weak hadiths will be rewarded with the intention of raja al-mutlubiyyah. Therefore, the discussion about the validity and content of the hadiths of man balghahu plays a fundamental role in the acceptance or rejection of many hadiths of fazail al-a'mal, as well as the validity of  Qāʻidah al-tasāmuḥ fī adillah al-sunan and the issuance of the istihab ruling. Some scholars have not considered the citation of these hadiths to ignore the conditions of acceptance of hadiths, especially in Shariah rulings, as sufficient and valid, or they have considered their subject to be basically theological and have listed them outside the topics of hadith validity and the science of hadith.   Al-Hasani, although with the harshness and directness of his tone, denied hadiths of man balghahu  and the Qāʻidah al-tasāmuḥ fī adillah al-sunan; In this essay, after examining the validity and content of man balghahu hadiths, his opinions are examined and criticized, and it is shown that he is right in his claim and has sufficient arguments for his claim. According to him, these hadiths do not have enough credibility to be a proof for accepting weak hadiths, and they are probably fakes of forgers and storytellers or their excuses to spread their unreliable narrations and unreliable traditions. In terms of content, he challenges them in several ways and does not accept relying on them to accept weak hadith, which his thoughts are explained in this article in four parts: inadequacy to ignore the conditions of accepting hadith, inconsistency with the method of the Prophet and Ahl al-Bayt, tolerance of attributing lies to the Prophet and imams, improper educational results.


Main Subjects

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