Interpretation of the Quran by Personal Opinion, Nature, Why and Wherefores


The issue of "interpretation of the Quran by personal opinion" has always been one of the slippery slopes for the interpretati on of the Quran. The origion of this issue is a number of traditions transmitted in the Shiite as well as Sunni Hadith sources preoccupying the commentators of the Quran. The terribly threatening tone of these traditions makes those dealing with this kind of interpretation subject to unbelief and hell fire. On the other hand, these traditions consider the outcome of this type of interpretation, although being correct, worthless and inauthentic. These points make every Muslim scholar think and deliberate on the chain of transmission as well as the meanings of such traditions. It is noteworthy here that the holy Quran regards deliberation on its verses a necessary duty of all people in various verses such as: "What, do they not ponder the Quran … " (IV, 82) and "A book We have sent down to you, blessed, that men may ponder its verses" (xxxviii, 29). This means that we are all commanded to ponder the Quran and simultaneusly guard ourselves against the aftermath of interpretation by personal opinion. Surely, if the meaning of interpretation by personal opionion is analyzed, the true meaning of authentic interpretation and pondering the Quran would also be clear. The present article seeks to tackle the following two questions:
a) To what extent are the traditions prohibiting interpretation by personal opinion valid?
b) What is the domain of the signification of these traditions and what distinguishes them from pondering which is recommended in the Quran?


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