The Semantic Field of the Names of "Sin" in the Holy Quran and their Comparative Study in Persian Translations (A Proposal for the Method and Criticism of Translation)


In the process of the translation of the holy Quran, that of the key Quranic terms is of high significance, for these terms create the semantic system and the worldview of the holy Quran. The extent of translator,s success in this stage depends on the precise understanding and the right choice of equivalents as well as observing coherency in translation on the one hand, and his capability to reflect the functions of and relations among the key Quranic concepts on the other. The method of semantic fields presented in this article and applied in that of the names of "sin" in Persian translations can pave the way for the precise and systematic translations of the holy Quran as well as the methodological criticism of translations available. The present article also seeks to indicate that a comparative study of the semantic fields of religious concepts in Persian translations of the holy Quran can function as one of the efficient methods towards finding the indecies and the development process of Iranian religious thought facing the holy Quran.


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