Economic Security and Mechanisms of Providing it in the Quran and Hadith Teachings


Security has been one of the most essential needs of mankind in all ages. This need is also recognized as one of the most essential and of the biggest material as well as spiritual blessings for human societies and individual as well as social life of human being in Islamic thought. On the other hand, one of the significant aspects of security is economic one which has attracted the special attention of the western world particularly after world war II in theoretical and practical levels. The west has also attempted to provide security for citizens through its political and economic systems. References of this research indicate quite well that long ago Quran and Hadith sources have explained and elaboradted the complex and dynamic concept of economic security and mechanisms of providing it very precisely and in clear terms.
Relying on these solid and practical guidelines, the Islamic system is capable of providing economic security and leading the human and Islamic society towards justice– oriented development, and material as well as spiritual improvement within a religious framework and a monotheistic system.


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