Document Type : Research Article
Assistant Professor in Faculty of Humanities, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University
Commentary of Muqatil ibn Slayman is one of the earliest concise running commentaries of the 2nd century A.H. It is a combination of literal, textual, intellectual and deductive exegesis. The literal aspect of this exegesis predominates other aspects .Scholars are divided concerning the religious school of Muqatil and he is not considered authentic in terms of his being a transmitter of hadith .However, Sunni scholars have attached big importance to his exegesis. Some Shiite scholars have also quoted from him .The outstanding features of this commentary are as follows: conciseness, avoiding quotation of different and contradictory views, avoiding mentioning the reward of recitation of Quranic Suras, and giving Quranic vocabulary careful consideration. Among the weaknesses of this commentary we may refer to the author’s doubting the infallibility of Prophets, confusion in the issue of Imamate, his claim of the physical presence of God on the day of judgment, ... The method of this descriptive study is gathering information based on content analysis.
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