Document Type : Research Article
PhD student at Imam Sadegh University
New exegetical approaches in the Indian subcontinent are the outcome of direct or indirect communication with the colonizing powers of the west in the middle of the 19th century .Sir Seyyed Ahmadkhan is one of the first commentators who tried to present the essential Quranic concepts with the help of the findings of modern science in the Indian subcontinent .His commentary not only did not face the warm welcome of the Sunni scholars ,but it gave rise to certain reactions and oppositions .In the midst of this process , Muhyi al-Din Ahmad , known as Mawlana Abulkalam Azad (1888-1958) the famous man of letters , scholar, and political activist , in spite of his vicissitudes in the field of politics managed to present a translation and exegesis of the holy Quran in Urdu entitled” Tarjuman al- Quran”. His exegesis was welcomed in modernist and Sunni circles .However it should be noted that in his new approach , Azad was certainly influenced by the thoughts of Ahmadkhan .Although his commentary deals with contemporary issues in a new approach ,it is not devoid of traditional view towards the issues raised in Quranic verses .He has done his best to interpret the Quranic terms and concepts as understood in the time of the holy prophet .Azad emphasizes that the Quran and Islam do not mean to introduce a new religion .Rather , they call the followers of other religions to act according to their genuine and original teachings.
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