Study of Blessing, Its concept and Its Extension from the Perspective of the Holy Quran

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor of Imam Sadegh (as) University

2 Assistant Professor Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch

3 PhD Student in Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Imam Sadegh University


Discussing the concept  of  blessing ”barakah” and studying its usage in the holy Quran can pave the way for the right and proper use of divine blessings, since God has described a large number of His blessings in the holy Quran as blessed or Mubarak. The word ” barakah”  in its religious and Quranic usage is one of the high frequency terms in the Islamic culture occurring also in other scriptures such as the old and New Testaments concerning divine gifts to the prophets and others. Identifying the concept of Baraka and stating some of its extensions in the holy Quran , authors seek to clarify the common point between all these bounties in the eyes of God Almighty, and the secret behind their being blessed. Classifying different kinds of divine blessings , some commentators have divided barakat into two categories of acquired and non acquired ones. Relying on certain Quranic verses, they have also mentioned some of the features of blessed bounties and factors bringing blessing to them. However, it seems an essential point neglected, i,e. public benefit and usefulness of bounties to others in the social life of human being. This is the final point we reach after studying Quranic verses and pondering over them.


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