Document Type : Research Article
1 Associate Professor of Al-Zahra University
2 Master of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Al-Zahra University
Traditions of the infallible Imams as the second principal source of revealing and explaining divine teachings of Islam next to the Quran are handed down to us in the form of Hadith collections. However, these traditions have not been safeguarded from alteration and distortion during ages. Thus traditionists and Muslim scholars have eliminated ambiguities in the process of pathology of traditions benefitting from Quranic guidelines, infallibles directions, and intellectual arguments. ShaykhTusi is one of the traditionists having taken some steps in this field. He authored his two valuable works, i.e. Tahdhib al- Ahkam and Al- Istibsar fi Makhtulifa min al Akhbar in order to defend religious precepts and eliminate the spurious argument on the conflict between traditions of the infallible. To reach this objective, he endeavored to reconcile between seemingly conflicting traditions as far as possible. However, if the conflict was not removable by reconciliation, he indicated the weakness of the tradition in terms of the chain of transmission and the text. He considered the tradition as a weak one based on his study of the character of transmitters and the quality of the chain of transmission. In addition, he occasionally regarded the texts of some traditions as inauthentic due to their disagreement with the Quran, the Sunnah, and Ijma, and in some cases because of their rarity and irregularity.
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