Document Type : Research Article
Associate professor in Quranic Science and Hadith at the University of Isfahan
According to Quranic culture, insight is a state which provides human being with the capability of true perception of realities and true analysis of the facts. Quranic verses deal with this issue from different angles. In order to achieve this insight in the material world and before death, human being is provided with all conditions and requirements by Allah. God considers all creatures of the world as sources of insight. Thus man is called to contemplate on these signs and ponder over them in the process of reaching the truths directing him towards the right path of life. Considering the significance of insight in life particularly human beings socio political life, the present article studies the literal as well as the technical sense of the word and its usage in the Quran. Presenting the paradigms of insight in the Quran, the article also elaborates on different views concerning the meaning and translation of the Quranic verseXXII, 108, as well as attributing insight to the person of the prophet or to his call.
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