The Sciences Needed for Discovering the Reasons of the Differences among Similar Verses

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Al-Zahra University

2 Master of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Qom University


"Similar" is said about a collection of verses that express a subject with similar words and paraphrases, but have differences in regard to the structure of the discourse, such as: advancement or postponement, omission or addition, being definite or indefinite, being singular or plural, replacement of a letter with another letter, replacement of a word with another word, etc.
Finding the reasons of the differences between paraphrases in the similar verses is our subject of discussion. To discover these reasons, we must benefit from different sciences and sources in order to understand the prevailing circumstances of the chapter (Sura) and thereby to try to approach the meaning of God's discourse. These sciences consist of: understanding the context, philology, rhetoric (study of the meaning, wording and figures of speech), grammar (conjugation and syntax), understanding the occasion of the Revelation, the knowledge of the abolishing and the abolished and the knowledge of the order of Revelation.
The present discourse seeks to give a brief introduction of these sciences and incidentally to consider examples of similar verses to explain the role of each of these sciences in discovering of the reasons of the literal differences among verses. The study these examples clarifies how much important each of the above-mentioned sciences is for the understanding of the Quran and for the exegesis of the Quran.


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